In 1941, my grandfather, Joseph Ellenbogen, & his partner, John Crawford, left PriceWaterhouse & started CrawfordEllenbogen. My dad, Alex Ellenbogen, joined the firm about thetime I was born. I joined the firm when I graduated from high school, working for both my dadand my grandfather [& going to school at night.]
It's crazy to reflect on the changes I've witnessed in almost 5 decades. We bought our firstcomputer in 1979, an Apple IIe. Software was virtually non-existent, but we started by playingwith that odd-looking machine to see if we could do anything useful with it.In those days, we prepared tax returns & financial statements by hand. General Ledgers werenot software driven but were actually funny looking binders with handwritten entries. We usedpencils [& erasers] on 14-column paper to prepare trial balances & draft financial statements.Secretaries typed financial statements, using carbon paper if more than one copy was needed.There was no backspace key to correct errors.And of course, there was no internet, no email, no answering machine, no cell phone, and copymachines were quite expensive. We had paper files and lots of paper cuts! Today, we areabout 80% paperless, affording us the luxury of working from home, which has been a blessingduring the COVID induced pandemic.
My partner, Vic Dozzi, and I would like to thank our dedicated employees and appreciativeclients for traveling on this journey with us. We're fortunate to enjoy the work we do and lookforward to many more celebrations together.